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京極幼稚園には、0〜3歳児(ひよこ組・ぷちうさぎ組・うさぎ組)も遊びに来られます。園庭開放も実施しています。令和6年度の入園願書の交付・受付は随時行っていますので、見学、ご相談は、お電話かメールでご連絡ください。 Kyogoku kindergarten is looking for children to enroll in our upcoming terms. Please call or email us anytime. /Phone:075-231-6696/ email:kyogoku-e@edu.city.kyoto.jp

Recruting Children The classes from April 2019

We will start recruiting kindergarten children.
From November the 1st,
we will start recruiting children of the classes from April 2019.

Kyogoku kindergarten is a 2 year childcare kindergarten.

*Full 4 years old, 2 year course・・・・・35 student positions
【 children born between April the 2nd 2014 and April the 1st 2015】

*Full 5 years old,  1 year course・・・・・Some student positions
【 children born between April the 2nd 2013 and April the 1st 2014】

We will hand over required documents such as entrance application
between November the 1st Thursday and the 14th Wednesday.

Please complete the application form and submit it at the headroom of the kindergarten in the same period.
Also, if you have any questions or concerns, you would like to consult with us.
Feel free to call or to come directly to the kindergarten .

We are sorry, but we will open only on weekdays.
(except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).
It will be between 9 a.m. and  6 p.m.

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11/13 全国国公立幼稚園・幼稚園ウィーク(〜19日),お茶体験(5歳児),自由参観日
11/14 キックバイクによる自転車教室(5歳児)
11/15 園外保育(稲荷山・4・5歳児,雨天16日,雨天の場合自由参観日を16日から繰上げ)
11/16 ノーテレビ・ノーゲームデー,自由参観日
11/19 人形劇鑑賞(アトリエみのむし訪問,4・5歳児),個人懇談会(〜26日)
E-mail: kyogoku-e@edu.city.kyoto.jp