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Chris先生 塔南を語る!


"My view of Tonan High School"

I came to Tonan High School in August, 2016, and have been here for 9 months. In those 9 months I have learnt a lot about the
school, students and teachers I taught with.

Tonan is my favorite school. I say that because I am very proud to work here. I have heard about other schools from other ALTs, and even though they seem very happy, I don’t think the teachers and students are as nice and friendly as the ones at Tonan. It is also
very easy to get to from my house, which makes me very happy!
The teachers at Tonan are very hard working and very proud of
their students. But they also know how to have fun. There is always laughter and happiness in the teacher’s office and everyone is
always willing to help. The English teachers are all very good at
their job and are always eager to teach and learn new things.
I have a lot of fun teaching with them and learning from them!
Some teachers want to teach me Japanese words, some teachers want to learn about South Africa (my country), and some just want to talk with me. I am happy here, and it is thanks to the teachers
who make my job here so easy and enjoyable.

But my favorite part about Tonan is the students. There are many
types of students at Tonan. Shy, Loud, Funny, Serious, Clever,
Athletic, and each one always looks so happy and eager to be with their friends. I have only taught some of them, but have come to
see that all students are actually able to speak English. Even if they don’t want to. And I encourage them every day to speak English
because they are very good. They must just be confident. It
doesn’t matter if they make mistakes. Their English is better than
my Japanese. And that is a fact!

I have also seen that Tonan has Cherry Blossom trees in the
courtyard. This makes me very happy because it adds beauty to an already amazing school. I look forward to teaching here for a long
time and talking to all the students and learning about them!
Thank you Tonan for being the best school I could teach at in



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E-mail: tounan@edu.city.kyoto.jp