文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地





My name is Chris! I am from South Africa. I have been in Japan
since July 24 2016, and came to Tonan in August. I am Tonan
High School`s new ALT and I teach 1st Year English Conversation.
So far, I have really enjoyed the School Culture Festival. The Cal-
ligraphy and Brass Band were my favourite events to watch!

In Japan, I hope to learn how to speak Japanese and also learn
to play Wadaiko. I love drums and want to learn everything I can
about different types of drumming. Watching the Tonan Drummers
in the Brass Band was very interesting! They are very good!

I enjoy teaching the 1st year students. They are very good
students, and are a lot of fun! I want them to come and speak to
me when ever they want. Their English is better than they think
it is. I hope they realise just how good they are. I like answer-
ing questions about myself and about South Africa, so please,
come and speak to me! I am slowly learning Japanese, so if you
want to teach me Japanese words, come and tell me!

I look forward to teaching the 1st year students and I hope
2nd and 3rd year students come speak to me if they need help or
want to talk!

See you around!                      


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9/27 人間学I研究発表会
10/1 第2回学校説明会
E-mail: tounan@edu.city.kyoto.jp