その後は,拡大版の「Pub Quiz」が行われ,おなじみの「Word Search」,「Hot Seat」,「Music Video」といったクイズに加え,様々な問いに答える先生たちの答えを予想する「Know Your Teachers」なども行われ,生徒たちは頭を抱えながらも,協力して正解を導き出していました。
HELLO Villageではこれからも,しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,ここでしか体験することのできない様々な経験をできるかぎり提供していきたいと思っております。
The first activity in the afternoon was making TV commercials on imaginary new countries. Students produced imaginative movies in order to show why their countries are worth visiting.
After that, as the final activity, we had an extended version of Pub Quiz. Facing and struggling with the quiz challenges such as ‘Word Search’, ‘Hot Seat’, and ‘Music Video’ as well as ‘Know Your Teachers’ (Guessing teachers’ answers to questions such as ‘What is your favorite ramen?’), they finally reached the correct answers with other teammates.
For students, Summer Day Camp was a perfect opportunity for not only improving their English through the ‘English Only’ environment, but also achieving a common goal as a team. We are really glad that all the students enjoyed the day camp.
We are going to offer as many opportunities as possible for students to enjoy diverse experiences they only can have here in HELLO Village, of course, taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting students from infection.