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今年度最後の10/26(土)第3回学校説明会(9月第2回説明会と同一内容です)、英語村体験会/校内見学ツアー3(5月・9月に未体験の中3生のみ)は10/10(木)より申込受付開始予定です!!◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より最新の『学校説明会の録画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!◆◆


本日(7月3日)生徒の皆さんに「京都府奨学のための給付金」制度のご案内 と書かれたプリントを配布しました。(一部クラスは明日になります。)


一般向けActivity Earth Day

6月29日(土)、今年度二回目の一般市民向けアクティビティ「Earth Day」(地球環境をテーマにディスカッションなどを通して英語を身につけてもらおうという企画)が「英語村」(HELLO Village)で開催されました。今回は、ご参加されたみなさまで6つのグループを作っていただき、本校ALTの二コルさんから提示される環境問題に関連したトピックに対して、英語で議論していただきました。
私たちは地球環境を守るために何ができるのでしょうか? 本イベントでは、この難しい問いにアプローチしていただくため、(1)「グローバル」、(2)「ナショナル」、(3)「コミュニティ」、(4)「個人」という四つのレベルを設定し、何ができるのかを具体的に話し合っていただきました。「個人」のレベルでは、たとえば「買物にエコバックで行く」「水筒をつかう」「プラスティックをきちんとリサイクルする」など、「コミュニティ」のレベルでは「SNSなどを通じて情報共有をする」「美化活動のボランティアに参加する」などのアイデアを提示していただきました。

The second open event this year ‘Earth Day’ was held at HELLO Village on June 29th. This time, we had 20 participants who listened to a talk given by Nicholl (our school’s ALT) and discussed in a group questions concerning climate change and global warming.
‘Facing environmental issues, what can we do for our planet Earth?’ That is a hard question. In this event, in order to think of it in a specific manner, the four levels (1) Global, (2) National, (3) Community, (4) Individual, were set. We had the ideas such as ‘Shopping with ego bags ’, ‘Using water bottles’, and ‘Properly recycling plastics’ for (4), and ‘sharing information via SNS’ and ‘ Joining cleaning activities as a volunteer’ for (3).
 We are also planning other open events this year, and the next one will be in September. As usual, the information will be on this Website as the date gets closer. See you next time!



 まず昼休みのHELLO Village Week最終イベント「Pub Quiz」に参加してもらいました。初対面にも関わらず、本校生徒とすぐに打ち解けて大いに盛り上げて下さいました。その後、授業見学、教員との交流会を経て、6時間目には3年次生国際コミュニケーションコース生徒と、グループに分かれ、それぞれのテーマについてのディスカッションが行われました。テーマは「勉強と偏差値について」「学校の規則について」等多岐に渡り、お互いの文化や生活習慣について語り合いました。英語で話す場面もありましたが、留学生の皆さんの日本語が大変流暢だったため、日本語を通して話し合うことで、より深い話ができ、大変刺激を受けました。また、言語の力を改めて実感し、外国語を習得する秘訣も教えていただきました。
 On June 26th, 16 international students at Educational Center for Japanese Language and Culture at Kyoto University visited Hiyoshigaoka High School. In addition to studying at the Center, they deepen their understanding about Japanese society and culture by visiting facilities outside the campus and communicating with people there. As a part of the activity, students at the Center visit our high school every year. This relationship between Hiyoshigaoka and Kyoto University actually has a long history and is now more than 10 years old!
 This year, we invited international Kyodai students from China, Korea, Thai, Netherlands and Belarus and so on. They first joined Kris’ ‘Pub Quiz ’that was the final lunch-time event of HELLO Village Week. They worked together with Hiyoshigaoka students and liven up the event! After that, they had ‘fierce’ discussions with teachers and then joined a class-visit tour. At the six period, they talked about social and cultural differences with students at Hiyoshigaoka. We had 7 groups each of which has a specific discussion topic such as ‘Study and the Deviation Value’ and ‘On School Rules’. The international students were so good at speaking Japanese, the communication tool became mainly Japanese, leading to fruitful and stimulating results. For both side could make themselves understood in a deeper way. Our students were really impressed by their fluent Japanese and asked tips for language learning.
 After school, they had a club-activity tour that includes Japanese Archery, Kendo, Sumo, Calligraphy, and Tea Ceremony. They enjoyed the powerfulness of Kendo and Sumo, the tranquility of Japanese Archery, a Matcha green tea at Tea Ceremony, and wrote Chinese characters such as ‘令和’ and ‘越境’ at Calligraphy. The members of these club activities and the tour guides (i.e. our students) also enjoyed the visit that gave them opportunities to reconsider their own cultures.
 Thank you very much for your visit!


HELLO Village Week 最終日

 6月26日(水)昼休み、2019年度第1回目のHELLO Village Week最後を飾ったのは、お馴染み、クリス村長の「Pub Quiz」。今回は特別に京都大学の留学生16名も参加し、会場は大賑わい。国籍・年齢を超え、チームメイトと協力しながら、夢中でクイズに取り組みました。あちこちで歓声や笑い声が飛び交い、HELLO Village Week最大の盛り上がりが見られました。

 On June 26th, the last day of HELLO Village Week this semester, the final event was Kris’ ‘Pub Quiz’. HELLO Village was so crowded with a lot more students and teachers than usual and also special guests, 16 international students, from Kyoto University. Students of different ages and countries worked together to answer questions for winning the first prize. Whenever the answers were announced, HELLO Village was filled up with gales of laughter and shouts of joy! This was obviously the most exciting moment throughout the Week.
 So many students joined various events and did their missions during the HELLO Village Week. Every day, at HELLO Village, we saw students laughing, dancing and shouting with joy! They communicated in English with friends, teachers and international students, tried to achieve the same goal, and glimpsed at an unknown world. We hope the exciting and fruitful experiences during the Week will help students broaden their horizons.

HELLO Village Week 3日目

 6月24日放課後、Green Eventと題し、地球環境と気候変動について考える取り組みが、本校ALTのニコール先生によって行われました。


・I was really surprised to see that such a young girl tries to take an action to help the earth. Her presentation touched me and made me realize the importance of each person’s small actions.

・I was so impressed by the young girl. Even though we can do only a small thing, we have to do something right now to protect our earth. The girl told us.

・It is us who can change the world and who should do something to save the nature and our future. Then what do we do next?


On June 24th, the third day of HELLO Village week, we had a raising-awareness ‘Green Event’ where our ALT Nicholl gave a talk about climate change and global warming.
 We now face a drastic global change due to our destruction of Mother Earth and the subsequent climate change. We have already known the change has been a big impact on our daily lives, facing heat waves and a number of typhoons last year. In this event, however, we realized again this is not someone else’s business by watching videos that show us glacier destructions and deforestation all over the world, i.e. how quickly our ecosystem has been destroyed.
 We also watched a video where Greta, a 15-year-old Swedish girl, gave a speech at UN Climate Change Conference. This made us strongly believe that students who attended this event and thought so much of this serious problem are also our hope for future restration.
We had a lot of feedbacks from students such as ‘It’s very scary to lose our beautiful planet Earth. I’m inspired by Nicholl’s talk and thinking about what we can and should do for future generations’.










日吉ケ丘 33 vs 44 洛水
日吉ケ丘 40 vs 43 桃山
日吉ケ丘 43 vs 42 工学院
日吉ケ丘 29 vs 33 工学院



HELO Village Week 2日目 ワールドバザール

 6月21日 HELO Village Week2日目は「ワールドバザール」と題し、本校生徒とALTによるプレゼンテーションが行われました。

 日本にあるHELLO Villageのたった一つの部屋で、7つの国々の空気を感じることができ、生徒・教師が共に「越境した」イベントとなりました。

 The main event on the second day of HELLO Village Week was ‘World Bazaar’. In Hiyoshigaoka High School, there are many opportunities for students to visit foreign countries and have face-to-face communications with people there. For instance, students take study trips to Australia, Singapore and Malaysia, visit a sister school at Romania, and join the Global Leader Training Program sponsored by Kyoto City Board of Education Guidance Department.
Here comes today’s event ‘World Bazaar’ where second- and third-year students give talks about their visited counties and make the audience including first-year students, get interested in them. Since there were special guests, Kris (the Mayor of the village), ALTs and two exchange students (Dean and Max) this time, we finally had 11 teams introducing 7 countries.
Presenters tactfully introduced their countries by giving a quiz and using the photos, videos, and what they bought at the countries. Their faces were so brightening when they with confidence were sharing the experiences there. Since each talk was well thought out and thought-provoking, we got the voices from the audience, such as ‘I really want to visit that country!’ and ‘I was really surprised because each talk in English was so nice!’.
HELLO Village is actually a small ‘village’ in Kyoto, but we obviously got the feeling of what it is to visit the countries. We think this is one way to fulfill the educational objective of this school ‘Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow’.

HELLO Village Weekスタート!

6月20日より本年度第1回HELLO Village Weekが開幕しました!
HELLO Village Weekでは、本校英語村の魅力をさらに多くの生徒に知ってもらうため、英語を使用した様々なイベントが毎日開催され、また、英語を使ってALTと交流したり、自然と英語を学べる多くのミッションが用意されています。
第一日目には、学年問わず多くの生徒が英語村を訪れ、オープニングセレモニーが盛大に行われました。まず生徒が自主制作した動画で大いに盛り上がりました。そして、古池校長、クリス村長、英語村委員長2年次生山崎さんのスピーチで、英語村スタッフ、教員、生徒、皆がHELLO Village Weekを大いに楽しもうとしていることが分かりました。
HELLO Village Weekは6月26日昼休みのPUB Quizまで1週間行われます。
英語を楽しく積極的に学び、また英語圏だけではなく世界の様々な文化を知ることができる絶好の場所、HELLO Villageで、より多くの生徒が仲間と共に有意義な時間を過ごすことを期待しています。

HELLO Village Week this semester started on June 20th! During the week, students naturally use English and improve their language proficiency through joining a variety of events, communicating with ALTs, and carrying out missions.
On the first day, the opening ceremony was held at HELLO Village. At the ceremony, we first watched student-produced videos, followed by speeches from Tsuyoshi Furuike (the principal of the school), Kris (the Mayor of the village), and Yui Yamazaki (the chairperson of the village).
The kickoff event was ‘Talent Show’ where (exchange) students and ALTs as ‘performers’ showed their hidden talents such as playing piano, singing a song with guitar, and magic. Each performance was of so high quality and original that the audience fully enjoyed with a good laugh and surprise.
HELLO Village Week lasts for a week until June 26th, finishing with Pub Quiz at Lunch Time. During the week, a lot more students than usual will have a fruitful time at HELLO Village, the best place for learning English and various cultures in the world, not only English-speaking countries.

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HELLO Village(英語村)


E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp