本日:count up18
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◇◇5/25(土)英語村体験会(1)へのご参加ありがとうございました!今回ご参加いただけなかった方は9・10月にも同じ内容で実施しますので、またのお申込をお待ちしております!!また7・9・10月に学校説明会も実施予定ですので、ぜひご参加下さい◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より過去の『学校説明会の動画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!今年度パンフは7月の第1回学校説明会より配布予定です。◆◆


For the third time in three years, Hiyoshigaoka High School sent a team of three students to attend and compete in the annual Parliamentary Debate World Conference and Competition. The event consisted of a debate competition and intensive training from January 17th to the 20th, and continued with a three-day excursion with the other participating high schools from all over Japan, Europe, Asia, Australasia as well as the Americas.

After receiving training from the world's best debate mentors in Debate Mate on the first day, the competition began. The team from Hiyoshigaoka had four matches in total. The first was against the eventual champions from Thailand, and after getting over some nerves and settling in, the girls were able to win their next two matches against last year's runners-up Kobe Fukiai Municipal High School, as well as the team from Vietnam. The team finished the competition with a fantastic debate and very close match against the team from England. Overall, the team finished with a record of two wins and two defeats, finishing the competition with the best ever result for a team from Hiyoshigaoka! Congratulations to our girls for a job well-done!

After the competition, the remaining participants enjoyed a trip to Kawagoe and experienced wearing kimonos, as well as a tour of the World Cup rugby stadium in Kumagaya, skiing in Niigata, and a quick stop in Harajuku, Tokyo. Over the duration of the week, the students showed real growth in becoming global people and the impact that this event had on all of the participants will last forever. Thank you Ms. Kazuko Nakadai, the staff at WakuPro and Debate Mate for an unforgettable experience of a lifetime.
この1週間,生徒たちはグローバルな将来につながる,目を見張る成長ぶりを見せてくれました。今回のこの機会はその後の人生に大きな影響を与えるものになるでしょう。WakuPro理事長の仲臺和子様をはじめ,スタッフの皆様,Debate Mateの皆様,本当にありがとうございました。

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E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp