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『English Shower 8』

 本日は、第8回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Fall Activities〜

 Last time I talked to you about fall in America, today I want talk to you about fall activities: what we do in fall.
 In fall we have many things we can do. We have many activities but the most important thing: the number one thing is nature!

 In fall we like to do many things in nature.
 For example, apple picking. You can go to a farm and pay a little money and you can pick as many apples as you like. The apples are very delicious and its very fun to do.
 Next we like hiking. In falls the tress on the mountain turn beautiful orange and red and yellow, so we like to hike and look at the beautiful leaves.
 Next, my favorite, it's a corn maze. It's all corn. On a corn field a farmer cuts a path. It has a start and a finish. you go inside and look for the finish. But it's very difficult
 This is a corn maze on the inside. It's fun but it's difficult.

 We also have many sports in fall, but there are two popular sports.
 First is American football. Do you know American football? It's very exciting and very tough and very fun to watch. We watch football every Sunday.
 Next is baseball. Americans love baseball in autumn. Do you watch baseball on TV? What team do you like? I like the San Francisco giants!
 So these are just a few activities we do in fall.



1.Which sport is not a fall sport?
  A  Golf   B  American football   C  Baseball

2.In fall, we pick kiwi.
  A  True     B  False


『English Shower 7』

 本日は、第7回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Fall in America〜

 Today I want to talk to you about fall in America. Now it’s still summer but after a little bit it will be fall. In English we have two words : fall and autumn. They mean the same thing. Fall starts on September 23rd and ends on December 21st
 So in America what do we think of when we think of fall, What is fall's image? We think of many things.

 First, we think of red, and yellow and orange and brown leaves : from trees. We walk in the leaves and play and enjoy the beautiful nature colors. We think of cloudy skies and cold weather. We wear many warm clothes.
 We also think of many fruits and vegetables. For example you can find onions apples potatoes cherries and corn in fall. It's all very delicious. Speaking food what about fall foods. Oh I'm hungry.
 Fall is a little cold so we heat many hot foods, many warm foods like soup. Many people eat hot soup in fall. We also eat turkey. Especially in November. It's very delicious.
 And we have special autumn deserts. This is pie. It is pumpkin, made from pumpkins. It tastes like cinnamon. It's very delicious.
 Next, holidays in fall. We have many holidays but there are two very famous holidays.
 First, Halloween. Do you know Halloween? You put on a costume and you can get many candies. It's very delicious. Halloween has special colors too : orange, black, and green. Orange for the pumpkins, black for the night, and green for monsters.
 Next we have thanksgiving. On thanksgiving we see all of our family and we eat a big dinner together. We talk and smile and laugh and it's a very fun day.
So this is fall in America. Thank you very much for listening.


1. Which of these holidays are a fall holiday?
  A Orange day     B Halloween    C Tree day

2. In fall, we think of blue skies.
  A True     B False


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2/17 公立高校 前期選抜
2/18 公立高校 前期選抜
2/19 1・2年生 学年末テスト1日目
2/20 1・2年生 学年末テスト2日目
5・6組 小さな巨匠展(2限〜)
2/21 1・2年生 学年末テスト3日目










E-mail: suzaku-c@edu.city.kyoto.jp