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〜 朱雀大路の 名に負いし 我等今こそ 人の世の 恵みに応え 健やかに 若き命を 鍛えつつ 理想に燃えて 共に励まん ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀中学 学ぶわれらに 栄えあれ 〜

『English Shower 6』

本日は、昨日に続けて第6回目の「English Shower」を行いました。
今回も、ザック先生のプレゼンテーションを聴き取りました。今日は「7月4日 米国独立記念日(Independence Day)」についての話でした。


〜4th of July〜

 Last time I talked to you about summer vacation. Today I want to talk to you about a special summer holiday. That holiday is the 4th of July. What is 4th of July?
 4th of July is a special day. It's on July 4th (4th of July). But why is it special? Because July 4th is America's birthday. On July 4th 1776 America became a new country. This is America's old flag when America became a country. When America became a country, it was only this big. It was very small. So happy birthday America.
 In America we have many activities to celebrate 4th of July. One activity is bbq(barbecue), we love bbq. In America when we bbq, we go to the park, or sometimes you can do it at home. We bbq with our family and our friends. It's very fun. We cook hamburgers and hot dogs and eat a lot. It's very delicious. And while cook and while we eat, we listen to music, play games like sports and talk with each other. It's a very fun time.
 This is me and my family. We had a bbq last year. This is me, and all my uncles and aunts and all of my other family.
 We also do fireworks. Do you do fireworks in Japan? I think they're beautiful. We have many different type of fireworks. Some people have small fireworks. They can do fireworks at home. Do you do fireworks in summers?
 This is me at my uncle's house. We had a fireworks party on July 4th. It was very fun. I can relax with my family
 But we also have very big firework shows. Sometimes you can see it anywhere in the city. People love fireworks on the 4th of July. Sometime, please come to America and let's celebrate America's birthday together.



1.What is 4th of July?
  A America's birthday B Hotdog day C A sports tournament D A BBQ contest

2.In America, we just do small fireworks.
  A True   B false


『English Shower 5』

本日は、第5回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Summer vacation in America〜

 Today I want to talk to you about summer. Specifically summer vacation in America. Do you like summer vacation? You can relax; no school and just have fun. In America we have many fun things. But our summer vacation is a little different! American summer vacation is two months, or about 60 days. It begins in the middle of June and goes to the middle of august. It's very long.
 Also in august the new school year begins. In June you might be in seventh grade but in August the new school year begins and you are in 8th grade.
 But, summer vacation there is no school and there are many things we can do. So what do Americans like to do on summer vacation? Let me show you.
 Some people like to go to the ocean. At the ocean we can do many things like surfing, collecting shells, swimming, and many fun things. The beach is also very beautiful. Some people like to do outdoor activities. Some people like to camp, or hike, or do all kinds of fun things. Do you like outdoor activities? What outdoor activities do you like?
 Some people like to go to day camps. Day camp is sort of an activity time with your friends for 1 week. Do you know yama-no-ie? Its like that in America. With your friends you can go to a special place for about 1 week and do fun activities.
 We also like to go to the park and play fun sports like football or soccer. And some people barbeque with friends and family.
 Some people simply like to relax. They stay home and watch TV, play games, read, or just relax. It's very nice. Do you like to stay at home? What summer activities do you like? What will you do this summer?



1.What do Americans like to do on summer vacation?
  A Go to the beach   B Have snowball fights  
  C Build a snowman    D See autumn leaves

2.Summer vacation is from May to July. True of False?
  A True   B False


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2/17 公立高校 前期選抜
2/18 公立高校 前期選抜
2/19 1・2年生 学年末テスト1日目
2/20 1・2年生 学年末テスト2日目
5・6組 小さな巨匠展(2限〜)
2/21 1・2年生 学年末テスト3日目










E-mail: suzaku-c@edu.city.kyoto.jp