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〜 朱雀大路の 名に負いし 我等今こそ 人の世の 恵みに応え 健やかに 若き命を 鍛えつつ 理想に燃えて 共に励まん ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀中学 学ぶわれらに 栄えあれ 〜

『English Shower 4』

 本日は、第4回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜School Life〜
 Today I want to talk to about junior high school life: what its like for a junior high school student. Like last time, Japan and America are sometimes the same, but sometimes they're a little bit different. So, how are they different?Let's find out !
 One example is school clubs: club activities. What club are you in? What sport do you like? American schools and Japanese schools both have club activities, but what clubs do American schools have? Let's find out !
 Like Japan, American schools have art clubs, and writing clubs. And same as Japan we have sports. Like basketball. Do you like basketball? We have soccer. And we have volleyball, but American sports clubs are a little different; we have some different teams. For example we have American football. Do you know American football? It’s very fun and very strong; it's a very fun sport. We have lacrosse. It's very difficult. Have you played lacrosse before? We also have wrestling. Wrestling students are very strong. It's very exciting to watch. And we even have brass band club, like Japan! This is my brass band club in junior high school. This is me. I played percussion.
 Next are school events. School activities. In Japan you have many special school events like the sports festival, the volleyball festival, culture festival, and many more. American junior high schools also have a lot of school events. Are they different? Are they the same? Let's watch and find out!
 First, one big events are school dances. After school at nighttime, everyone comes to the school gym and they dance. It's very fun. Students dance with their friends and their teachers. And they can drink juice and eat snacks. It’s very fun. Do you like dancing?
 Next, we have days like pajama day. Students can go to school in their pajamas, or clothes they wear when they sleep. It's fun to see the fun designs and colors and it’s very fun.
 We also gave spirit day. It's usually before and big sports game. On spirit day we dress in our school colors my junior high school colors were blue and yellow. What are your school colors? After we wear our school colors, we go to the gym and we chant and cheer and we listen and watch special performances like music or dancing, and it’s very fun. And certain days like Halloween we can even wear a costume. And we can go to school in our costumes and have fun with our teachers and classmates.


1.Which event is NOT a school event?
A Spirit day   B Pizza day   C Halloween   D Pajama day

2.In American junior high schools, we have a kendo club.
A True   B false


『English Shower 3』

 本日、今年度第3回目の「English Shower」を行いました。
 今回も本校のALT「ザック先生」の英語スピーチを聞きました。前回よりも聞き取れましたか? また、あとの質問には、答えられましたか?


〜Schools in America〜
 American junior high schools and Japanese junior high schools sometimes are very similar, but sometimes they have small differences. For example: how we go to school. In America, sometimes your school is a little bit far from your house. So you have to ride on the school bus. But if your house is a little closer you can ride your bicycle. And if you're even closer, some students even walk to school. When I was in Junior high school I rode my bicycle. I liked it.
 This is my junior high school. It's very big. Its Vaca Pena middle school. Sometimes in America we don't say “junior high school”, we say “middle school” because *gestures* elementary school, high school, and then junior high is in the middle so we say “middle school.”
 When I get to school I have to go to my first class. I have to go to my classroom. But after my first class I have to go to a different classroom. In fact every class is in a different classroom. Even our schedule is different. In Japan, for example, on Monday: first period math, then history, then English, then science, the P.E, then art. And then on Tuesday: its different. Art, science, P.E, history, math and English, but in America, Monday to Friday, every day, the schedule is the same: Math, history, English, Science, P.E, Art. Every day its this schedule; same day, at the same time. But this schedule might change after 4 months. You might get a new class.
 These are American textbooks. They're very big. They're about this big and about this thick. They're very heavy. Because they're very heavy, we get lockers. Every students gets one locker. And they can put books or pencils or anything inside. In fact some people even decorate their lockers. They make it very beautiful. And they can make it their own unique style. It’s very fun. Now I have a special surprise. This is junior high school Zach. 7th grade Zach. This is me when I was in Junior high school. Same person. So this is American junior high school.


1.How did Zach go to school?
A By bus    B Walking   C By bicycle   D By horse

2.American textbooks are small.
  A True   B False


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1/30 1・2年生 学習確認プログラム
1/31 2年生 職場体験発表会










E-mail: suzaku-c@edu.city.kyoto.jp