本日:count up6
文字: 大きく | 小さく | 標準 配色: 通常 | 白地 | 黒地
〜 朱雀大路の 名に負いし 我等今こそ 人の世の 恵みに応え 健やかに 若き命を 鍛えつつ 理想に燃えて 共に励まん ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀中学 学ぶわれらに 栄えあれ 〜

『English Shower 11』

 本日は、第11回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Christmas in America 2〜

 So last time I talked to you about Christmas; today I want to talk to you about Christmas traditions: Special Christmas things that we do.

 Like I said, Christmas is a family day in America. We send Christmas with our family. With our family we don’t many things on Christmas.

 For example, we have a delicious Christmas dinner. Every family is a little bit different but my family usually ate things like ham, potatoes, pie, and many different things. But everything is delicious.

 This is a picture of my family having Christmas dinner. Do you know where I am? This is me! The dinner was very delicious.

 We also have presents in America, but giving presents in America and giving presents in Japan on Christmas is a little different.

 In America everyone gives and gets a present. When I was little I gave and got a present from everyone in my family. But of course I also got presents from Santa. Maybe Santa will come to your house this year.

 When we wrap the presents we put it under the Christmas tree. On the Christmas tree we put up bright lights and colorful ornaments. It’s very beautiful, especially when it’s dark.

 In America you can even look for a tree, and if you find one you can cut it down and take in home. It’s very fun but you must be careful. This is my tree at my mom and dad’s house last year. It’s very colorful and very nice.

 We also put lights on our house. You have to climb a tall ladder and put lights your house. This is a normal Christmas house. But some people really love Christmas so they have a super Christmas house. It’s very colorful.

 So these are a few things we do on Christmas in America


『English Shower 10』

 本日、第10回目の「English Shower」を行いました。



〜Christmas in America〜

 In 14 days it will be Christmas. Are you excited? I’m super excited! So today I want to talk to you about Christmas. Especially Christmas is America.

 Christmas is on December 25th; everywhere it’s December 25th, but what do you do on Christmas? It depends (on) where you are.

 Japanese Christmas and American Christmas is very different. For example, in Japan you might have school or work, but in America, usually, we’re free: no work and no school. We can relax. In Japan, if you have time, maybe, you’ll see friends and have a party. In America we spend that day with our family.

 We do many things on Christmas but we also do many things on December 24th: Christmas eve. Many people get ready for Christmas on Christmas eve.

 For example we bake Christmas cookies. They’re great. We make delicious pies and other sweet foods. And we wrap presents in special tape and paper. It’s very colorful and nice.

 And on Christmas eve night many people go to church. We celebrate Christmas at church and celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

 So this is a little bit about Christmas in America. Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about Christmas traditions.


『English Shower 9』

 本日は、第9回目の「English Shower」を行いました。



 So it’s finally gotten a little cold, the leaves are orange and yellow and red; its finally fall. So today I want to talk to you about a fall holiday. Thanksgiving. So everyone, happy thanksgiving!

 What is Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a holiday in November. We have an important meal with our family.

 But first, when is thanksgiving? Others holidays, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving: The first two are always on the same day. Halloween is always October 31. Christmas is always December 25th, but Thanksgiving… when is Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is always on the 4th Thursday in November. One more time; Thanksgiving is always on the 4th Thursday in November.

 For example: November 2018, last year. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.. the fourth thursday! 1, 8, 15…. It was on November 22nd. How about this year? November 2019. Can you tell me what day is thanksgiving? That’s right. It’s Thursday the 28th.

 So Thanksgiving had a couple of important things. One important thing is thanksgiving dinner. It’s a big dinner that we eat with our family. And when we eat Thanksgiving dinner we have many special foods.
 But most important is turkey. Have you ever this bird. This is a turkey. When you cook turkey it looks like chicken, but the taste is just as little bit different. But it’s very good.
 And we also have mashed potatoes. And we usually eat mashed potatoes with gravy. It’s a special sauce we usually eat on thanksgiving. We put it on top of mashed potatoes and sometimes turkey. We also bake fresh bread.And we also bake delicious pies. Three popular pies are pumpkin, apple, and blue berry. But there are many pies. And they’re all great.

 Last, Thanksgiving, we spend with our family. When we sit down with our family and eat, we say “thanks.” We say thank you for all the good things we have: Friends, money, and good health. We say thank you for every lucky thing, every good thing, that we have. And that’s why we say “Thanksgiving.” Thanks-giving. So do you want to try thanksgiving. Its very fun.



1.Thanksgiving is always on the 4th Friday in November ?
A  True    B  False

2.On Thanksgiving , we always eat …
 A  Chicken.  B  fish. C turkey. D beef.


『English Shower 8』

 本日は、第8回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Fall Activities〜

 Last time I talked to you about fall in America, today I want talk to you about fall activities: what we do in fall.
 In fall we have many things we can do. We have many activities but the most important thing: the number one thing is nature!

 In fall we like to do many things in nature.
 For example, apple picking. You can go to a farm and pay a little money and you can pick as many apples as you like. The apples are very delicious and its very fun to do.
 Next we like hiking. In falls the tress on the mountain turn beautiful orange and red and yellow, so we like to hike and look at the beautiful leaves.
 Next, my favorite, it's a corn maze. It's all corn. On a corn field a farmer cuts a path. It has a start and a finish. you go inside and look for the finish. But it's very difficult
 This is a corn maze on the inside. It's fun but it's difficult.

 We also have many sports in fall, but there are two popular sports.
 First is American football. Do you know American football? It's very exciting and very tough and very fun to watch. We watch football every Sunday.
 Next is baseball. Americans love baseball in autumn. Do you watch baseball on TV? What team do you like? I like the San Francisco giants!
 So these are just a few activities we do in fall.



1.Which sport is not a fall sport?
  A  Golf   B  American football   C  Baseball

2.In fall, we pick kiwi.
  A  True     B  False


『English Shower 7』

 本日は、第7回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Fall in America〜

 Today I want to talk to you about fall in America. Now it’s still summer but after a little bit it will be fall. In English we have two words : fall and autumn. They mean the same thing. Fall starts on September 23rd and ends on December 21st
 So in America what do we think of when we think of fall, What is fall's image? We think of many things.

 First, we think of red, and yellow and orange and brown leaves : from trees. We walk in the leaves and play and enjoy the beautiful nature colors. We think of cloudy skies and cold weather. We wear many warm clothes.
 We also think of many fruits and vegetables. For example you can find onions apples potatoes cherries and corn in fall. It's all very delicious. Speaking food what about fall foods. Oh I'm hungry.
 Fall is a little cold so we heat many hot foods, many warm foods like soup. Many people eat hot soup in fall. We also eat turkey. Especially in November. It's very delicious.
 And we have special autumn deserts. This is pie. It is pumpkin, made from pumpkins. It tastes like cinnamon. It's very delicious.
 Next, holidays in fall. We have many holidays but there are two very famous holidays.
 First, Halloween. Do you know Halloween? You put on a costume and you can get many candies. It's very delicious. Halloween has special colors too : orange, black, and green. Orange for the pumpkins, black for the night, and green for monsters.
 Next we have thanksgiving. On thanksgiving we see all of our family and we eat a big dinner together. We talk and smile and laugh and it's a very fun day.
So this is fall in America. Thank you very much for listening.


1. Which of these holidays are a fall holiday?
  A Orange day     B Halloween    C Tree day

2. In fall, we think of blue skies.
  A True     B False


『English Shower 6』

本日は、昨日に続けて第6回目の「English Shower」を行いました。
今回も、ザック先生のプレゼンテーションを聴き取りました。今日は「7月4日 米国独立記念日(Independence Day)」についての話でした。


〜4th of July〜

 Last time I talked to you about summer vacation. Today I want to talk to you about a special summer holiday. That holiday is the 4th of July. What is 4th of July?
 4th of July is a special day. It's on July 4th (4th of July). But why is it special? Because July 4th is America's birthday. On July 4th 1776 America became a new country. This is America's old flag when America became a country. When America became a country, it was only this big. It was very small. So happy birthday America.
 In America we have many activities to celebrate 4th of July. One activity is bbq(barbecue), we love bbq. In America when we bbq, we go to the park, or sometimes you can do it at home. We bbq with our family and our friends. It's very fun. We cook hamburgers and hot dogs and eat a lot. It's very delicious. And while cook and while we eat, we listen to music, play games like sports and talk with each other. It's a very fun time.
 This is me and my family. We had a bbq last year. This is me, and all my uncles and aunts and all of my other family.
 We also do fireworks. Do you do fireworks in Japan? I think they're beautiful. We have many different type of fireworks. Some people have small fireworks. They can do fireworks at home. Do you do fireworks in summers?
 This is me at my uncle's house. We had a fireworks party on July 4th. It was very fun. I can relax with my family
 But we also have very big firework shows. Sometimes you can see it anywhere in the city. People love fireworks on the 4th of July. Sometime, please come to America and let's celebrate America's birthday together.



1.What is 4th of July?
  A America's birthday B Hotdog day C A sports tournament D A BBQ contest

2.In America, we just do small fireworks.
  A True   B false


『English Shower 5』

本日は、第5回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜Summer vacation in America〜

 Today I want to talk to you about summer. Specifically summer vacation in America. Do you like summer vacation? You can relax; no school and just have fun. In America we have many fun things. But our summer vacation is a little different! American summer vacation is two months, or about 60 days. It begins in the middle of June and goes to the middle of august. It's very long.
 Also in august the new school year begins. In June you might be in seventh grade but in August the new school year begins and you are in 8th grade.
 But, summer vacation there is no school and there are many things we can do. So what do Americans like to do on summer vacation? Let me show you.
 Some people like to go to the ocean. At the ocean we can do many things like surfing, collecting shells, swimming, and many fun things. The beach is also very beautiful. Some people like to do outdoor activities. Some people like to camp, or hike, or do all kinds of fun things. Do you like outdoor activities? What outdoor activities do you like?
 Some people like to go to day camps. Day camp is sort of an activity time with your friends for 1 week. Do you know yama-no-ie? Its like that in America. With your friends you can go to a special place for about 1 week and do fun activities.
 We also like to go to the park and play fun sports like football or soccer. And some people barbeque with friends and family.
 Some people simply like to relax. They stay home and watch TV, play games, read, or just relax. It's very nice. Do you like to stay at home? What summer activities do you like? What will you do this summer?



1.What do Americans like to do on summer vacation?
  A Go to the beach   B Have snowball fights  
  C Build a snowman    D See autumn leaves

2.Summer vacation is from May to July. True of False?
  A True   B False


『English Shower 4』

 本日は、第4回目の「English Shower」を行いました。


〜School Life〜
 Today I want to talk to about junior high school life: what its like for a junior high school student. Like last time, Japan and America are sometimes the same, but sometimes they're a little bit different. So, how are they different?Let's find out !
 One example is school clubs: club activities. What club are you in? What sport do you like? American schools and Japanese schools both have club activities, but what clubs do American schools have? Let's find out !
 Like Japan, American schools have art clubs, and writing clubs. And same as Japan we have sports. Like basketball. Do you like basketball? We have soccer. And we have volleyball, but American sports clubs are a little different; we have some different teams. For example we have American football. Do you know American football? It’s very fun and very strong; it's a very fun sport. We have lacrosse. It's very difficult. Have you played lacrosse before? We also have wrestling. Wrestling students are very strong. It's very exciting to watch. And we even have brass band club, like Japan! This is my brass band club in junior high school. This is me. I played percussion.
 Next are school events. School activities. In Japan you have many special school events like the sports festival, the volleyball festival, culture festival, and many more. American junior high schools also have a lot of school events. Are they different? Are they the same? Let's watch and find out!
 First, one big events are school dances. After school at nighttime, everyone comes to the school gym and they dance. It's very fun. Students dance with their friends and their teachers. And they can drink juice and eat snacks. It’s very fun. Do you like dancing?
 Next, we have days like pajama day. Students can go to school in their pajamas, or clothes they wear when they sleep. It's fun to see the fun designs and colors and it’s very fun.
 We also gave spirit day. It's usually before and big sports game. On spirit day we dress in our school colors my junior high school colors were blue and yellow. What are your school colors? After we wear our school colors, we go to the gym and we chant and cheer and we listen and watch special performances like music or dancing, and it’s very fun. And certain days like Halloween we can even wear a costume. And we can go to school in our costumes and have fun with our teachers and classmates.


1.Which event is NOT a school event?
A Spirit day   B Pizza day   C Halloween   D Pajama day

2.In American junior high schools, we have a kendo club.
A True   B false


『English Shower 3』

 本日、今年度第3回目の「English Shower」を行いました。
 今回も本校のALT「ザック先生」の英語スピーチを聞きました。前回よりも聞き取れましたか? また、あとの質問には、答えられましたか?


〜Schools in America〜
 American junior high schools and Japanese junior high schools sometimes are very similar, but sometimes they have small differences. For example: how we go to school. In America, sometimes your school is a little bit far from your house. So you have to ride on the school bus. But if your house is a little closer you can ride your bicycle. And if you're even closer, some students even walk to school. When I was in Junior high school I rode my bicycle. I liked it.
 This is my junior high school. It's very big. Its Vaca Pena middle school. Sometimes in America we don't say “junior high school”, we say “middle school” because *gestures* elementary school, high school, and then junior high is in the middle so we say “middle school.”
 When I get to school I have to go to my first class. I have to go to my classroom. But after my first class I have to go to a different classroom. In fact every class is in a different classroom. Even our schedule is different. In Japan, for example, on Monday: first period math, then history, then English, then science, the P.E, then art. And then on Tuesday: its different. Art, science, P.E, history, math and English, but in America, Monday to Friday, every day, the schedule is the same: Math, history, English, Science, P.E, Art. Every day its this schedule; same day, at the same time. But this schedule might change after 4 months. You might get a new class.
 These are American textbooks. They're very big. They're about this big and about this thick. They're very heavy. Because they're very heavy, we get lockers. Every students gets one locker. And they can put books or pencils or anything inside. In fact some people even decorate their lockers. They make it very beautiful. And they can make it their own unique style. It’s very fun. Now I have a special surprise. This is junior high school Zach. 7th grade Zach. This is me when I was in Junior high school. Same person. So this is American junior high school.


1.How did Zach go to school?
A By bus    B Walking   C By bicycle   D By horse

2.American textbooks are small.
  A True   B False


『English Shower 2』

 本日、2回目の「English Shower」を行いました。今回もALT「ザック先生」のスピーチの視聴のリスニング形式でした。楽しめたでしょうか? 日頃からザック先生は朝のあいさつをはじめ、常に皆さんに英語で語りかけてくださっています。このように、少しでも、英語に触れる時間があるのが、うれしいですね。積み重ねが大切です。


 This is California. It's in the western United States. You can see it here in red. It's next to the Pacific Ocean.
 This is California's flag. It had one red bar, one red star, and a picture of a grizzly bear. The grizzly bear is California's official animal. It's like a mascot.
 California's population is thirty nine point five million people. The size of California is four hundred and twenty four thousand square kilometers. California is very big.
 This is California and Japan. California is big but Japan is bigger than California.
 California also has many great things to do and see. Number one, it has many great beaches. You can swim, or surf, or relax.
 We also have great Mexican food. It's very spicy with peppers and chilies, and different ingredients. I love it.
 We have many famous cities like San Francisco and L.A. Have you ever been to San Francisco?
 And we have ginormous trees; very big trees called “Redwood” trees. The nature in California is very beautiful.
So California has many great things to do and see.


1.What is California's official animal?
   A  A lion   B A shark   C A bear   D A cow
2.California is bigger than Japan.
  A True(本当)   B false(間違っている)

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1/22 3年生 学年末テスト 1日目
1/23 3年生 学年末テスト 2日目
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E-mail: suzaku-c@edu.city.kyoto.jp