本日:count up77
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〜 朱雀大路の 名に負いし 我等今こそ 人の世の 恵みに応え 健やかに 若き命を 鍛えつつ 理想に燃えて 共に励まん ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀 ああ朱雀中学 学ぶわれらに 栄えあれ 〜

『English Shower 2』

 本日、2回目の「English Shower」を行いました。今回もALT「ザック先生」のスピーチの視聴のリスニング形式でした。楽しめたでしょうか? 日頃からザック先生は朝のあいさつをはじめ、常に皆さんに英語で語りかけてくださっています。このように、少しでも、英語に触れる時間があるのが、うれしいですね。積み重ねが大切です。


 This is California. It's in the western United States. You can see it here in red. It's next to the Pacific Ocean.
 This is California's flag. It had one red bar, one red star, and a picture of a grizzly bear. The grizzly bear is California's official animal. It's like a mascot.
 California's population is thirty nine point five million people. The size of California is four hundred and twenty four thousand square kilometers. California is very big.
 This is California and Japan. California is big but Japan is bigger than California.
 California also has many great things to do and see. Number one, it has many great beaches. You can swim, or surf, or relax.
 We also have great Mexican food. It's very spicy with peppers and chilies, and different ingredients. I love it.
 We have many famous cities like San Francisco and L.A. Have you ever been to San Francisco?
 And we have ginormous trees; very big trees called “Redwood” trees. The nature in California is very beautiful.
So California has many great things to do and see.


1.What is California's official animal?
   A  A lion   B A shark   C A bear   D A cow
2.California is bigger than Japan.
  A True(本当)   B false(間違っている)

『English Shower 1』

 本日、朝読書の時間帯に、今年度第1回目の「English Shower」を行いました。



 America is in North America. It is south of Canada, and it is north of Mexico.
 The population of America is three hundred twenty eight million, seven hundred and forty eight thousand people. America is also very big. The size of America is one million eight hundred and thirty four thousand square kilometers.
 This is America's flag. It has thirteen red and white stripes and fifty white stars. Each star is one state. There are fifty stars because America has fifty states.
 This is America's money. We have bills: dollars from big sizes to very little sizes. Our smallest bill is one dollar, or about one hundred yen. Our biggest bill is one hundred, or about ten thousand yen. Each bill has the face of a popular president or famous historical person.
 We even have many coins: one cent, five cents, ten cents, twenty five, fifty, and we have dollar coins as well.
 America also has many sports. But the three most popular sports are: Baseball, Basketball (do you know the NBA?), and American football. Have you seen a football game? It's very exciting!
 America also has great food. Popular American food includes: Hamburgers, pizza, and hot dogs. Which do you like? But we have even more food. America has food from all around the world, like: Mexican foods, Indian food, we even have Japanese food. I like sushi more than pizza. How about you? What food do you like?

1.How many states does America have?
 A 20   B 30   C 40  D 50
2.In America, the most popular sport is Judo.
 A True   B false

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5/21 第1回テスト 1限〜5限
5/22 歯科検診(1年)
E-mail: suzaku-c@edu.city.kyoto.jp