本日:count up7
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◇◇5/25(土)英語村体験会(1)へのご参加ありがとうございました!今回ご参加いただけなかった方は9・10月にも同じ内容で実施しますので、またのお申込をお待ちしております!!また7・9・10月に学校説明会も実施予定ですので、ぜひご参加下さい◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より過去の『学校説明会の動画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!今年度パンフは7月の第1回学校説明会より配布予定です。◆◆

Summer Day Camp Part II @ HELLO Village

 その後は,拡大版の「Pub Quiz」が行われ,おなじみの「Word Search」,「Hot Seat」,「Music Video」といったクイズに加え,様々な問いに答える先生たちの答えを予想する「Know Your Teachers」なども行われ,生徒たちは頭を抱えながらも,協力して正解を導き出していました。
 HELLO Villageではこれからも,しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,ここでしか体験することのできない様々な経験をできるかぎり提供していきたいと思っております。
 The first activity in the afternoon was making TV commercials on imaginary new countries. Students produced imaginative movies in order to show why their countries are worth visiting.
 After that, as the final activity, we had an extended version of Pub Quiz. Facing and struggling with the quiz challenges such as ‘Word Search’, ‘Hot Seat’, and ‘Music Video’ as well as ‘Know Your Teachers’ (Guessing teachers’ answers to questions such as ‘What is your favorite ramen?’), they finally reached the correct answers with other teammates.
 For students, Summer Day Camp was a perfect opportunity for not only improving their English through the ‘English Only’ environment, but also achieving a common goal as a team. We are really glad that all the students enjoyed the day camp.
 We are going to offer as many opportunities as possible for students to enjoy diverse experiences they only can have here in HELLO Village, of course, taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting students from infection.

Summer Day Camp Part I @ HELLO Village

 サマーキャンプ午前の部では,まず各チームは自分たちのチーム名とスローガンを決め,それぞれ個性的なオリジナルのチームフラッグを作り,団結力を高めました。その後,紙で作るタワーの高さを競う「Building a Tower」に挑戦しました。

 Summer Day Camp was held at HELLO Village on July 17th. Second-grade students enjoyed this ‘English Only’ environment with the Mayor Kris, ALTs, and English teachers. 6 teams composed of 2-3 students and 1-2 ALTs joined various activities and competed each other for the first place.
 As the first activity, each team made a team flag having its team-name and slogan. Under the same flag, students got ready to work together for various activities in this event. After that, they enjoyed the activity ‘Building a Tower’ (building a paper-tower as high as possible).
 As the last activity in the morning, students joined Scavenger Hunt, walking around the vicinity of the school.

HELLO Village Week I Day5

 HELLO Village Week I 最終日は,まずお昼休みにパブクイズがありました。生徒たちはグループに分かれ,村長クリスからのクイズに挑戦しました。今回の難問たちは,碁盤の目のように並んだ文字から意味のある言葉を探し出す「Word Search」、プラスチックゴミの排出量が多い国を順に並べる「Picture Round」,他のチームの解答を予測して同じ答えや唯一の答えを導き出す「Common Answer」と「One of a Kind」でした。生徒たちは頭を抱えながらも,協力して正解を導き出していました。
 放課後はHELLO Village Week最終日のイベントとして,有志生徒が日研生の皆さんに質問をする機会としました。好きな食べ物や趣味の話で盛り上がる様子はまるで,前からの友達のようでした。「各国のおすすめの場所を教えて下さい」という,本校生徒からの質問には,それぞれの故郷の素晴らしい風景や食べ物を,写真を交えてお話下さり,歓声が上がりました。自由に海外に行けない今だからこそ,留学生の皆さんのお話に想像力がわき,まるで少し世界旅行をした気分になりました。
 その後,HELLO Village内に畳を敷き,臨時のお茶席を設け,茶道部の生徒がお点前を披露しました。日研生の皆さんから,専門的な質問もいただき,日本文化について考える機会ともなりました。
 5日間にわたるHELLO Village Weekも本日で終了です。感染予防対策を行いながら,イベントを無事に終えることができました。これからも英語村では生徒たちが様々な経験をできる機会を提供していきたいと思います。

 On Jun. 23rd, Day 5 of HELLO Village Week I, we had ‘Pub Quiz’ at lunch time. Students worked together with other team-members for facing the following quiz challenges from Kris (the mayor of HELLO Village): ‘Word Search’ (finding meaningful words (sports) from letters arranged in a grid-like way), ‘Picture Round’ (putting 10 most plastic-waste producing countries in a right order), ‘Common Answers’ (guessing the same answer shared by the other teams), and ‘One of a Kind’ (guessing a unique answer not shared by the other teams). While students struggled to meet the challenges, they finally reached the correct answers with other teammates.
 At the 5 and 6 periods, we had ‘Kyoto University Exchange’ where students at Hiyoshi talked online with Japanese studies students at Kyoto University. Japanese studies students are exchange students at Kyoto University, who have Japanese Government Scholarships and study Japanese culture and society at and outside school. This ‘Kyoto University Exchange’ actually has a long history, and indeed this is the 17th Exchange where exchange students from China, Vietnam, India, UK, Russia, and so on joined this event online this year.
 The exchange students discussed various topics with Hiyoshi teachers at the 5 period and with the second-grade G-course students at the 6 period. Their fluent Japanese and how hard they have studied Japanese cultures made us really surprised and amazed. What they positively talked about Kyoto and Japan made us glad and gave us an opportunity to rethink of ourselves.
 Afterschool, students from other grades and courses also joined the exchange and talked like friends about favorite foods, hobbies and so on. For example, the exchange students nicely answered questions such as ‘what places in your counties do you recommend to visit?’ by using the photos of beautiful sceneries and delicious foods back home. That online exchange experiences helped Hiyoshi students feel as if they were traveling across the world even in this era of the coronavirus.
 Moreover, we set a small tea room at a corner of HELLO Village, and students at Tea-Ceremony Club showed tea-serving or o-temae to the exchange students. That online tea-serving experience led them to ask some technical questions about o-temae and gave them good opportunities to think about Japanese cultures more.
 This exchange with Japanese studies students at Kyoto University was so precious for Hiyoshi students in this difficult situation where traveling abroad is unfortunately not possible.
 We are glad that the five-day HELLO Village Week finished today safe and sound. We hope students will also have fruitful experiences in upcoming events at HELLO Village!

HELLO Village Week I Day4

 HELLO Village Week I 4日目は,お昼休みに「ミッションタイム」,放課後はALTのエイスリンさんが Gender Fluid Fashionについてプレゼンしてくれました。まず生徒たちはグループに分かれて、「What is fashion?」や「Who wears this?」といった問いについて議論し、服装がどのようにジェンダーとつながっているを考えました。次に「Gender Neutral Fashion」や「Gender Fluid Fashion」といった言葉について、さまざまな実例を通して、理解を深めました。その後、社会的,経済的なジェンダーギャップについて、そうしたギャップを埋めるために、「Gender Fluid Fashion」が果たすことのできる可能性について話し合いました。最後は、参加者全員で「Gender Fluid Fashion」をデザインし,素晴らしいファッションスタイルを生み出しました!
 HELLO Village Weekも残すところあと1日。しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,イベントを無事に終えることができればと思っております。
 On Jun. 22nd, Day 4 of HELLO Village Week I, we had ‘Mission Time’ at lunch, and an ALT, Aislinn, gave a talk about Gender Fluid Fashion afterschool. At first, in groups, students discussed the questions such as ‘What is fashion?’ and ‘Who wears this?’ in order to be conscious about how clothes are related to gender. Then, students learned the words ‘Gender Neatral Fashion’ and ‘Gender Fluid Fashion’ through some specific examples. After that, Aislinn also explained various social and economical gender gaps and some potential roles Gender Fluid Fashion can play for solving them. At last, the students designed their own new gender fluid fashion as you can see in the photos above!
 We have only one more day! We hope to finish HELLO Village Week safe and sound, taking appropriate measures against the coronavirus.

HELLO Village Week I Day3

 HELLO Village Week I 3日目は,お昼休みに「ミッションタイム」,放課後に「オープンESS」が開催されました。今日のESSはSDGsにフォーカスした未来について考えるイベントでした。まず最初のアクティビティは「Pictionary」で,生徒たちはグループを作り,メンバーの1人が17つあるSDGsのゴールの一つを絵で描き,残りのメンバーがその絵に基づいて番号を当てるというものでした。二つ目のアクティビティは,家,車,公園といったトピックについて,それが未来においてどのようなものになっていてほしいのかをグループ内で考え,ポスターで表現するというものでした。限られた時間内で生徒たちは四苦八苦していましたが,多くの力作が生まれました。
 HELLO Village Weekも残すところ2日となりました。緊急事態宣言は解除されましたが,引き続きしっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,イベントを開催していきたいと思っています。

 On Jun. 21st, Day 3 of HELLO Village Week I, we had ‘Mission Time’ at lunch, and ‘Open ESS’ afterschool. The theme of Today’s ESS was SDGs. The first activity was ‘Pictionary’. In groups, one student drew pictures and other students guessed, based on the drawings, which SDGs goals were expressed by the pictures. The second activity was to discuss topics such as ‘house’, ‘car’, and ‘park’ in groups in order to answer ‘What do you want it to be like in the future?’, and make posters to express their ideas. Each group created a colorful poster which nicely cashed out their ideas, regardless of the limitation of time!
 We only have two more days! Although the state of emergence ended, we will keep taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting students from infection.

HELLO Village Week I Day 2

 HELLO Village Week2日目は,放課後にミッションの獲得ポイントが2倍になる「Globy Point Spree」が開催されました。本日も緊急事態宣言下ということで,窓を開けて換気を行い,シールドをテーブルに設置するなどの感染予防対策を行いながらの開催となりました。それにもかかわらず,多くの生徒たちがHELLO Villageを訪れ,様々なミッションをこなしていました。ミッションは英語の4技能が向上するように工夫されています。例えばSDGsに関連した「What do you think are the most important SDGs? Write your top 3 and explain your reasons to an ALT」というミッションでは,理由を英語で説明する必要があるので,論理的な思考とスピーキングスキルが鍛えられます。それ以外にも,生徒たちは英語でALTたちと「Connect 4」や「JENGA」といったゲームで勝負したり,SDGsに関連したジズソーパズルに挑戦したりと,ポイント2倍の時間を存分に楽しんでいました。

 On Jun. 18th, Globy Point Spree in which students get double Globy points was held as a Day 2 Event in HELLO Village Week I. Still under the state of emergency, we opened the windows for air circulation and set shields on tables as the preventive measures.
 Fortunately, quite a few students visited HELLO Village and carried out their missions. These missions are designed for students to improve four English language skills. For example, in one mission related to SDGs ‘What do you think are the most important SDGs? Write your top 3 and explain your reasons to an ALT’, since students are asked to explain why they support their top 3, the mission helps them improve logical thinking and the speaking skill. Moreover, in order to get more Globy points, students enjoyed playing games such as ‘Connect 4’ and ‘JENGA’ against ALTs, and challenging jigsaw puzzles.

HELLO Village Week I Day 1

 HELLO Village Week I が始まりました!今回のテーマはSDGsです。緊急事態宣言下での開催となり,開会式を中止するなど様々な制約のもとで行われていますが,しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,生徒が視野を広げることができる様々な機会をできるかぎり提供していきたいと思っております。今回は,開会式の代わりに,HELLO Village Weekの紹介動画を英語村委員長が作成してくれました。

 HELLO Village Week I featuring SDGs started on Jun. 17th! Due to the state of emergency, while there are several restrictions such as the cancellation of the opening ceremony, we will try our best to offer various opportunities for students to broaden their horizons, taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting them from infection.
 Although the opening ceremony was cancelled, one student in ESS made a movie for introducing this event. Thank you, Yucchi!
 The first event was ‘Symposium: Former Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers –– The World Has Yet to Find You 2.0 ––’. We had the four Hiyoshi teachers who worked as Japan overseas cooperation volunteers in Philippines (Agricultural Education), China (Japanese Language Education), Fiji (Elementary School Education), Burkina Faso (Karate Instructor). The Talks started with the question ‘what is JICA’, followed by their memorable experiences and the interactions with people there. More than 50 student attendees got a great opportunity to hear the priceless experiences of the teachers who worked for two years in foreign countries. They learned the following various topics: working overseas as a JICA member, foreign cultures, ‘having a real communication’, ‘respecting a diversity in values and expressing ourselves more than before’, ‘spending time with others’ ‘volunteering is not giving something but learning from each other’. The students were surprised, moved, laughing, and so immersed into the talks as to forget the passage of time. In the Q&A section, we had several good questions from the audience, such as ‘how do you as a teacher now utilize what you’ve learned as a JICA member?’, which tell us how thought-provoking these talks were for the students. We hope they got a good chance to think of their future occupations and will become ‘trans-borderers’ (「越境者」) in many dimensions by realizing their unique potentials.
 The followings are from the students:
・We have lost the chance of going abroad due to the cancellation of the study trip to Australia. But now I think it’s really important to go overseas for broadening horizons, and so I am determined to study abroad as a university student and broaden my world.
・The talks were so dense, and I really enjoyed. Today I learned so many things I would have failed to do so if I hadn’t attended the symposium. If I have a chance, I’d like to do a volunteer overseas.
・I also want to visit foreign countries and think it’s important. But, at the same time, I think, telling our own experiences to others as the teachers did also broadens the others’ horizons.
・The foreign countries the teachers described were more different than I thought. Living in different places means having different forms of happiness. If so, although more and more people join the movement of changing the world such as SDGs, it seems that achieving all the goals does not necessary lead us to happiness.
・I only thought of how I improve my language skills for studying abroad, but I realized what’s important is heartful communication.
・The talks changed my understandings of foreign countries drastically. I thought JICA was totally unrelated to me until today. Now, I’m interested in JICA because the teachers met heartwarming people there and are glad they visited the countries as a JICA member.
・Now I want to go abroad because of the talks today. I have a bit narrow view of the world and had no opportunity to hear the stories of volunteers, but the talks made me interested in foreign countries.

Kris' Pub Quiz Challenge @ HELLO Village

 5月12日(水),毎年恒例となっている1学期の「Kris’ Pub Quiz Challenge」が英語村で開催されました。放課後,英語村に集まった生徒たちは8チームに分かれ、クリス村長から出題されるクイズに挑戦しました。前回よりも多くの生徒が参加し,楽しく学ぶ時を過ごすことができました。
 今回出題された問題は、碁盤の目のように並んだ文字から意味のある言葉を探し出す「Word Search」、2020年に日本でダウンロードの多かったアプリを順に並べる「Picture Round」,他のチームの解答を予測して同じ解答を導き出す「Common Answer」,洋楽のPVを見てその曲に関する問題に答える「Music Video」でした。
 この後は,6月17日から23日まで1週間続くイベントであるHELLO Village Week Iを開催予定です。英語村ではこれからも,しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,英語や海外の文化に触れあう機会をできるかぎり提供していきたいと思っております。

 On May. 12th, there was an after-school event ‘Kris' Pub Quiz Challenge’ at HELLO Village. More than 30 students (8 teams) joined this event and enjoyed learning English.
 The students worked together with other team-members for solving the following quizzes from Kris (the mayor of HELLO Village): ‘Word Search’ (finding meaningful words (animals) from letters arranged in a grid-like way), ‘Picture Round’ (putting 10 most-downloaded apps in a right order), ‘Common Answers’ (guessing the same answer shared by other teams), and ‘Music Video’ (Watching a music video and answering the questions about it). Whenever students got a right answer, they raised their arms in triumph! This time, the winner was the Team ‘KanoEiko’, followed by the second-place ‘Yuppasei’, and the third-place ‘Tacos’ and ‘H&M’.
 Although students were not allowed to talk to each other due to the state of emergency, we distributed quiz sheets to each student so that they individually enjoyed solving questions.
 We are planning to have the third cultural event, HELLO Village Week I, next month from 17th to 23rd. We are going to offer various opportunities for students to enjoy English and foreign cultures, taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting students from infection.

Easter Party @ HELLO Village

 英語村ではこの後も5月にクイズ形式のイベントであるPUB QUIZを開催予定です。次回もしっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,海外の文化に触れあう機会を提供していきたいと思います。

 On Apr. 20th, afterschool, Easter Party was held at HELLO Village. In this event, at first, our ALT, Daniel, explained the history of Easter and what traditional activities people do in Easter. Students enjoyed listening to his interesting talk and deepened their knowledge on Easter.
 After that, the students joined Egg Hunt which is a traditional activity in Easter. In this activity, they worked together with team members and looked for plastic eggs inside and outside HELLO Village. They walked around the school and literally experienced Easter through their bodies.
 In May, we will have the second event this year, Pub Quiz, which will be another chance for students to enjoy English. We will never forget taking appropriate measures for protecting students from infection.

HELLO Village Orientation

 その後,百聞は一見に如かずということで,さっそく英語村体験をしてもらうため,村長クリスによるPUB QUIZが行われました。すべてが英語で行われたので,新一年生たちはしばらく緊張した面持ちでしたが,クイズが始まるといつもの元気を取り戻し,正解が発表されると,歓声を上げていました。
 この後4月20日には今年度最初の英語村イベントであるEASTER PARTYが開催予定です。しっかりと感染予防対策を行いながら,英語や海外の文化に触れあう機会をできるかぎり多く提供できればと思っております。

 On Apr. 9th, 12th and 13th, we had HELLO Village Orientation for the first graders. In this event, we introduced HELLO village members, facilities, and seasonal events such as Halloween and Christmas Party where students can directly have cultural experiences in English.
 After that, as the proverb ‘seeing is better than hearing’ says, the first-graders experienced HELLO Village through Kris’s Pub Quiz in which they faced the quiz challenges from Kris (the mayor of this village). Although the students were a little bit nervous at first, they finally got relaxed in the Quiz and cried for joy when answers were given.
 We are planning to have Easter Party on Apr. 20th that will be the first cultural event at HELLO Village this year. We are going to offer various opportunities for students to enjoy English and foreign cultures, taking appropriate preventive measures for protecting students from infection.

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8/8 山の日
8/9 振替休日
8/10 学校閉鎖日
8/11 学校閉鎖日
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8/13 学校閉鎖日
8/14 学校閉鎖日
E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp