本日:count up42
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◇◇5/25(土)英語村体験会(1)へのご参加ありがとうございました!今回ご参加いただけなかった方は9・10月にも同じ内容で実施しますので、またのお申込をお待ちしております!!また7・9・10月に学校説明会も実施予定ですので、ぜひご参加下さい◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より過去の『学校説明会の動画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!今年度パンフは7月の第1回学校説明会より配布予定です。◆◆

HELLO Village Week 2 Day 3 (Talent Show and The Art of Storytelling)

 11月24日(火),HELLO Village Week 3日目は,昼休みにタレントショーが行われました。今回の出場者は4名で,歌唱,マジック,1人漫才,ギター弾き語りを披露してくれました!
 放課後には「The Art of Storytelling」が開催されました。このイベントでは物語を読む手法とその効果を学んだ後、ALT手作りの紙の焚き火を囲んで皆で物語を読み合いました。まずは読み方や聴衆を巻き込む工夫を、3人のALTのモデルリーディングを味わいながら学びました。ドラマチックな朗読に皆引き込まれ、物語とその表現方法の威力を知りました。その後、生徒がグループに分かれて、英語村マスコットキャラクターグロービーの生い立ちについての物語を英語で作成し、朗読劇で紹介しました。どれも創造的で興味深く、素晴らしい作品ができました。

 On Nov. 24th, as a lunch-time event, we had ‘Talent Show’ at HELLO Village. Four talented students made great performances (singing a song, magic, standup comedy, and singing with a guitar).
 As an after-school event, ‘The Art of Storytelling’ was also held. In this event, students at first learned how to tell stories and the efficacy of storytelling, then actually carried out storytelling, surrounding a paper bonfire made by ALTs. First, ALTs demonstrated storytelling for giving some tips of it. Their dramatic storytelling effectively enabled students to experience the power of storytelling. Then, students made stories about Globy (a mascot of HELLO Village) and told the stories to other students. Each performance deserved to be called an excellent storytelling.

HELLO Village Week 2 Day 2 (Open ESS)

 HELLO Village Week二日目は,放課後に「Open ESS」が開催されました。今回は集まった生徒たちで,いくつかのアクティヴィティに英語で挑戦しました:碁盤の目のように並んだ文字から意味のある言葉を探し出す「Word Search」、虫食いになっている文章に英単語を入れて物語を作る「Story Writer」、与えられたヒントから正しい英単語を導く「Hot Seat」などなど。生徒たちは思わぬ言葉を発見したり,正解を導いたりするたびに歓声を上げて,アクティヴィティを楽しんでいました。

 On Nov. 20th, Open ESS was held as a Day 2 Event in HELLO Village Week 2. This time, students challenged the following English activities: ‘Word Search’ (finding meaningful words (famous cities in the world) from letters arranged in a grid-like way), ‘Story Writer’ (making a story by filling incomplete sentences with words), ‘Hot Seat’ (guessing the correct English words from the given hints). Whenever they found unexpected words or reached the correct answers, students shouted for joy!

HELLO Village Week 2 Day 1 (Opening and Thrift Shop)

 11月19日(木)本校英語村にてHELLO Village Week 2がはじまりました。昼休みにはオープニングセレモニーが行われ,太山教頭の「コロナ禍で海外に行くことが難しい中,英語村では留学体験ができることをうれしく思う」とのスピーチ,クリス村長の「とにかくこの期間を楽しもう!」との言葉で幕が開き,生徒会英語村委員長,2年次生下間さんと副委員長高山さんの"Let's enjoy HELLO Village Week together!"の声に大きな拍手と歓声が起こりました。


 HELLO Village Week 2 Started on Nov.19th. In the opening ceremony, we had the speeches by the vice-principal Yoko Tayama (‘I’m glad students in Hiyoshi are able to have the experience of studying abroad here at HELLO Village’) and The Mayor Kris (‘Let’s enjoy HELLO Village Week!!’). Then, HELLO Village Committee members Moeka and Yumemi declared the opening of HELLO Village Week 2.
 Afterschool, as an event of Hiyoshigaoka Transbordering Project, we had Thrift Shop where students sold things donated from teachers and students such as cloths, books, and stationaries at a discount price. This project was launched by the second-grade student Sora Matsuo and the third-grade student Yui Yamazaki. When Sora visited Philippines during the Global Leader Training Course last year, she saw people who live in poverty and thought of what to do for them. Unfortunately, in this Corona-Era, it’s difficult to send relief supplies to Philippines. Their answer was to donate the sales of Thrift Shop to COVID-19 patients in Japan. This event was really successful, although there were some hardships such as disinfecting all the goods and setting the partitions for preventive measures.

Messages from Thrift Shop members:
Thank you for joining the event and purchasing at Thrift Shop! We got 5350 yen that will be donated to The Nippon Foundation. We hope you will continue to support us!

14th Recitation Contest @ HELLO Village

 今回の課題「Love is Action」は,「We Are the World」という有名な曲にまつわるストーリーが主題でした。課題英文の一部に歌詞が含まれ,それをどのように表現するのかなど,参加者の間でプレゼンに対するスタイルの違いが見られました。参加者たちはみな緊張した面持ちで自分の出番を待っていましたが,どのスピーチも,発音,暗唱,表現力など,いずれの点においても素晴らしいものでした。1つ1つの発表が終わるたび,安堵の表情を浮かべる発表者に対して,会場にいたすべての人たちが惜しみない拍手を送っていました。
 採点者たちが頭を抱えて選考している間,コンテスト参加者の健闘を称えて,日吉ヶ丘の生徒たちがクイズ形式のアクティビティ「Pub Quiz」を行ってくれました。発表の終わった生徒たちは,リラックスした表情で「Missing Letter」や「Picture Round」といったクイズを楽しんでいました。

 On Nov. 14th, the 14th Hiyoshigaoka Recitation Contest was held at HELLO Village. This time, 9 junior high school students who passed the screening process joined the contest.
 The topic this year was ‘Love is Action’ that is a short story about the famous song ‘We Are the World’. That includes some lyrics of the song to which 9 speakers showed their own approaches. They looked a little bit nervous, waiting for their turns, but each performance was excellent in terms of pronunciation, recitation, expression, and so on. Each speaker received a generous applause from the audience there!
 When the judges had the serious problem deciding which performance was the best, students in Hiyoshigaoka presented ‘Pub Quiz’ for honoring the great contestants. They were already relaxed and enjoyed the activities such as ‘Missing Letter’ and ‘Picture Round’.
 The winner of this high-level contest was Yaya Sadamoto (Kyoto-Oike), followed by Yukino Kuratani (Saikyo) and Masaki Watanabe (Wazuka). Thank you very much for visiting HELLO Village. We are really looking forward to seeing you again here in Hiyoshigaoka.

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E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp