本日:count up23
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◇◇9/21(土)第2回学校説明会(他にHELLO Village体験会/校内見学ツアー2、部活動体験会2)へのお申込みありがとうございました!次回10/26(土)第3回学校説明会は10/10(木)より受付開始予定です!!◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より最新の『学校説明会の録画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!◆◆

終業式で「HELLO Village Week1」の表彰

去る7月19日(金)1学期の終業式が行われ、女子剣道部・男子剣道部・相撲部・バドミントン部・書道部・少林寺拳法や将棋など多くの部活動や個人が古池校長から表彰されました。最後に、1学期の「HELLO Village Week1」でイベントやミッションに参加し、多くのグロービーポイントをゲットした各学年個人の優勝〜第3位まで、各学年で最もポイントを集めたクラスが表彰されました。おめでとうございます。また、2学期にも「HELLO Village Week2」が行われますので、また挑戦してください。みんなで英語を楽しみましょう!!


最後のミッションはおなじみPUB QUIZです。難問も続々出題されましたが、協力して楽しく行うことができました。

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On July 13th, 30 second-year students joined ‘Summer Day Camp’ at HELLO Village. Last year, they gained international experiences through an overseas study trip. This year, they together with teachers and ALTs attended this camp whose objective is to understand diverse cultural backgrounds, improve English proficiency, and actively make a communication with others.
In this camp, students as a group cooperated together in English for accomplishing assigned missions. At the beginning, each group created a slogan, designed a team flag, and explained what they mean by the slogan flag. Students naturally developed teamwork through this cooperative work, making themselves ready for the next, Scavenger Hunt. In this second activity, students walked around Tofukuji Temple and carried out the missions.
At lunch time, hungry students had a mission to enjoy a variety of foods and desserts such as hot dogs, pizzas, French fries, and ice cream! Another lunch-time mission was to sing karaoke songs in English, such as ‘A Whole New World’ (from the movie ‘Aladdin’).
The first activity after lunch was to make a commercial of assigned items such as country flags, wigs, and stuffed animals. Each group unleashed imagination and produced a humorous and creative work! The final activity at the camp was, as we all know, ‘Pub Quiz’ in which teamwork was the key for solving brain twisters.
While it was challenging to follow ‘English Only’ throughout the camp, students also found it a worthwhile task at the same time. We are really glad that they seriously engaged in the event, reaching fruitful accomplishments! Providing such an opportunity is the raison d'etre of HELLO Village here at Hiyoshigaoka High School.
We hope Today’s successful experiences lead students to a further motivation for what they want to do in the future.

ハロコミイベント HELLO Village Summer Festival

 7月11日英語村においてクリス村長、本校ALT、英語村ボランティアハロコミ企画によるSummer Festivalが開催されました。

 Summer Festival 2019 was held at HELLO Village on July 11th. This is an event organized by Kris (the head of HELLO Village), Hiyoshigaoka’s ALTs, and HELLO Committee members.
The event was kicked off by solving quizzes that naturally brought students into the English-speaking mode. After that, students looked around a variety of stands at HELLO Village: Yo-yo fishing, Bouncy-ball scooping, Shooting, Make-a-face game, Card Games, Photo Booth, and so on!
 As a final activity, there was Scavenger Hunt in which students had a task to find specified items scattered around the school. They walked around with yo-yos, bouncy-balls, prizes they got by Shooting, and smiles on their faces. This might be an eve of Gion Festival for them.
 HELLO committee members made a good preparation, worked as staff members at booths, and cleaned up the venue. We really appreciate their support!!

一般向けActivity Earth Day

6月29日(土)、今年度二回目の一般市民向けアクティビティ「Earth Day」(地球環境をテーマにディスカッションなどを通して英語を身につけてもらおうという企画)が「英語村」(HELLO Village)で開催されました。今回は、ご参加されたみなさまで6つのグループを作っていただき、本校ALTの二コルさんから提示される環境問題に関連したトピックに対して、英語で議論していただきました。
私たちは地球環境を守るために何ができるのでしょうか? 本イベントでは、この難しい問いにアプローチしていただくため、(1)「グローバル」、(2)「ナショナル」、(3)「コミュニティ」、(4)「個人」という四つのレベルを設定し、何ができるのかを具体的に話し合っていただきました。「個人」のレベルでは、たとえば「買物にエコバックで行く」「水筒をつかう」「プラスティックをきちんとリサイクルする」など、「コミュニティ」のレベルでは「SNSなどを通じて情報共有をする」「美化活動のボランティアに参加する」などのアイデアを提示していただきました。

The second open event this year ‘Earth Day’ was held at HELLO Village on June 29th. This time, we had 20 participants who listened to a talk given by Nicholl (our school’s ALT) and discussed in a group questions concerning climate change and global warming.
‘Facing environmental issues, what can we do for our planet Earth?’ That is a hard question. In this event, in order to think of it in a specific manner, the four levels (1) Global, (2) National, (3) Community, (4) Individual, were set. We had the ideas such as ‘Shopping with ego bags ’, ‘Using water bottles’, and ‘Properly recycling plastics’ for (4), and ‘sharing information via SNS’ and ‘ Joining cleaning activities as a volunteer’ for (3).
 We are also planning other open events this year, and the next one will be in September. As usual, the information will be on this Website as the date gets closer. See you next time!


HELLO Village Week 最終日

 6月26日(水)昼休み、2019年度第1回目のHELLO Village Week最後を飾ったのは、お馴染み、クリス村長の「Pub Quiz」。今回は特別に京都大学の留学生16名も参加し、会場は大賑わい。国籍・年齢を超え、チームメイトと協力しながら、夢中でクイズに取り組みました。あちこちで歓声や笑い声が飛び交い、HELLO Village Week最大の盛り上がりが見られました。

 On June 26th, the last day of HELLO Village Week this semester, the final event was Kris’ ‘Pub Quiz’. HELLO Village was so crowded with a lot more students and teachers than usual and also special guests, 16 international students, from Kyoto University. Students of different ages and countries worked together to answer questions for winning the first prize. Whenever the answers were announced, HELLO Village was filled up with gales of laughter and shouts of joy! This was obviously the most exciting moment throughout the Week.
 So many students joined various events and did their missions during the HELLO Village Week. Every day, at HELLO Village, we saw students laughing, dancing and shouting with joy! They communicated in English with friends, teachers and international students, tried to achieve the same goal, and glimpsed at an unknown world. We hope the exciting and fruitful experiences during the Week will help students broaden their horizons.

HELLO Village Week 3日目

 6月24日放課後、Green Eventと題し、地球環境と気候変動について考える取り組みが、本校ALTのニコール先生によって行われました。


・I was really surprised to see that such a young girl tries to take an action to help the earth. Her presentation touched me and made me realize the importance of each person’s small actions.

・I was so impressed by the young girl. Even though we can do only a small thing, we have to do something right now to protect our earth. The girl told us.

・It is us who can change the world and who should do something to save the nature and our future. Then what do we do next?


On June 24th, the third day of HELLO Village week, we had a raising-awareness ‘Green Event’ where our ALT Nicholl gave a talk about climate change and global warming.
 We now face a drastic global change due to our destruction of Mother Earth and the subsequent climate change. We have already known the change has been a big impact on our daily lives, facing heat waves and a number of typhoons last year. In this event, however, we realized again this is not someone else’s business by watching videos that show us glacier destructions and deforestation all over the world, i.e. how quickly our ecosystem has been destroyed.
 We also watched a video where Greta, a 15-year-old Swedish girl, gave a speech at UN Climate Change Conference. This made us strongly believe that students who attended this event and thought so much of this serious problem are also our hope for future restration.
We had a lot of feedbacks from students such as ‘It’s very scary to lose our beautiful planet Earth. I’m inspired by Nicholl’s talk and thinking about what we can and should do for future generations’.

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E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp