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◇◇7/27(土)第1回学校説明会の申込受付を7/12(金)16:30より開始いたします!(〜7/22(月)または定員に達するまで)本HPのカテゴリ【中学生の皆さんへ】内のフォームよりお申込み下さい。◇◇                                 ◆◆令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より始まった「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」は入学時に英語の目標別グループを自分で選べ、さらにその中で習熟度講座も実施しており、英語が苦手な人も心配いりません!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◆◆                                                  ◇◇【英語だけじゃない日吉ケ丘!】をより知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘公式YouTube】で学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◇◇                                             ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より過去の『学校説明会の動画』や『学校案内パンフ』をご覧いただけます!今年度パンフは7月の第1回学校説明会より配布予定です。◆◆

Parliamentary Debate Competition

On October 9th, 12 teams from 6 senior high school participated in the 2nd Parliamentary Debate Seminar & PDA Competition in Kyoto.

In round 1, the motion was “High schools should delay their start times”, and the second motion in round 2 was “Ambulance service should be charged”. Each team was assigned a side to represent for each motion, and competed in a debate against another team.

One team participated from Hiyoshigaoka SHS and received the 4th prize in the team category. Ms. Hachiya Shiori was elected one of the best debaters, and Mr.Kawamoto Yoshihiro received a prize for POI(point of information) and was also elected as a debater in the special exhibition debate.

This time, the level of the debate was quite high compared to the last seminar. Although it was difficult, it was exciting to see one theme analyzed logically and critically from various points of view.
We hope that students will continue to work on debate with excitement, and that they will improve themselves by competing with each other.



Four Australian Students Visit Hiyoshigaoka SHS

Four students from Orange High School in Australia visited Hiyoshigaoka on October 3rd. In the morning, the students experienced a Japanese calligraphy lesson for the first time and enjoyed writing a Japanese character on a fan. At lunch time, the students did a presentation about their high school in Japanese, which many Hiyoshigaoka students came to watch. After the presentation, the Orange High students walked around to different tables in HELLO Village and shared some Australian snacks, along with some laughs with the students of our school.
In the afternoon, after observing some classes, such as Japanese classics and earth science, they took part in a first grade Global Zemi class and 2nd grade English Conversation classes. After school they observed the kendo and sumo clubs
The Orange High School students were very positive and outgoing, and we hope that this is just the beginning of a lasting relationship between our two schools. Thank you to everyone who took part in the activities.


一般市民を対象としたアクティビティ第3弾「SOUTH AFRICA DAY 」実施!!

去る9月30日(土)、一般市民を対象としたアクティビティ第3弾「SOUTH AFRICA DAY 」を実施しました。同じ市立高校でALTをしている南アフリカ出身のクリストファー・ディックスさんとケンディル・ハウプトフライシさんに講師をしていただきました。お二人から南アフリカの歴史や文化・言語、スポーツなどについて、手作りのプリンや飲み物をいただきながら学ぶことが出来ました。特に、南アフリカ出身の世界で活躍している人気女優シャーリーズ・セロンやアパルトヘイト撤廃に全力で取り組んだネルソン・マンデラ氏のお話などは心に深く残りました。参加者のアンケートでは、「南アフリカのイメージが思っていたのと違い、来て良かった。」「全く思っていた国と違い、驚きと感動をいただいた。是非行ってみたい。」など今回参加した皆様から南アフリカのイメージが良くなったという感想や、楽しく英語を学ぶことができたという声を多数いただきました。

On September 30th (Sat), South Africa Day, the third open event of the year, took place at HELLO Village. The event featured two guest presenters, Chris Dicks and Kendall Hauptfleisch, both of whom are high school ALTs at public high schools in Kyoto City. The two talked about the history, culture, language and sports of South Africa, while also serving traditional South African treats rooibos tea and homemade milk tarts. They also talked about Nelson Mandela, a global hero known for risking his life to bring an end to apartheid, as well as other famous South Africans such as Hollywood actress Charlize Theron. After the presentation, the participants completed short questionnaires and commented that they were surprised to see that their image of South Africa was quite different from what they had expected, and that they were glad to have attended the event. Others commented that they came away with a very positive impression of South Africa and that they really enjoyed learning about the country in English.
Many people took part in this event, including our own ALTs and student volunteers. We are especially grateful for the many students from Kyoto Kokusai Junior High School and participants from the surrounding Tsukinowa and Imagumano areas for taking the time to come. Our next open event is scheduled to take place in November, and we hope to see you there!

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E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp