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7月学校説明会の様子を配信中!(「カテゴリ⇒中学生のみなさんへ」をクリック!) 10/12(土)第2回探究道場開催します!

友好都市青少年会議 3日目 交流会

 GAP(Global Academic Project)リーダーの北村柚月さんからの感謝の挨拶がありました。以下挨拶の内容をご紹介いたします。


 Above all, we would like to express my deepest gratitude to Rotary Club of Kyoto Rakuchu for holding this after party of Kyoto Friendship-cities Youth Conference, Kyoto Motto Eetoko Summit 2017.
And we also would like to say to City of Kyoto and Kyoto City board of education, who have presided over this conference, and all of participants that we’re so pleased with your cooperation and closing this conference without any big trouble, thank you very much.


 I am Yuzuki Kitamura, the leader of the group of Horikawa High School Students who are managing this conference.


 First, participants of this conference, these three days were maybe tough because you had such an intensive discussion. Also, I guess you prepared very hard before this conference because you had to do some pre-research. I know you are so tired but please listen to me just a little bit. We caused you a lot of troubles throughout the conference, but I hope you enjoyed it.

 私たちGAPは運営者でありましたが、正直に言うと三日間という短い会議で実現可能なaction planが出てくるのかは運営を請け負った頃から今日までずっと不安でした。しかし、皆さんが大変な努力でAction Planの策定までを終えることができ、本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。

 We have been preparing for this conference for a long time, but to be honest, we were always worried if we could really make the Action Plans in only three days. However, thanks to your contribution, we have made three wonderful Action Plans. I really appreciate it.

 今日で会議は終わりですが、Action Planの実行やその成果の発表などはここから始まります。何よりも私たちは、留学生の方は留学を終えられて母国に帰られた際、市立高校生の方は今後さらに京都をもっとええとこにする担い手として、今回の会議で得た同年代の友好都市の方からの豊富で多彩なアイデアを母国の都市などに還元していただけることを願っています。

 You know, it is time to close this conference, but it is also time to start carrying out the Action Plans. And what we want you to do the most is to return what you have got from this conference to your home city. You have got a variety of ideas from students of different backgrounds, so I believe it will be really interesting.

 また、この会議のコンセプトとして、世界中から集まった青少年が問題意識を共有しあいグローバルな視点を持って議論しながらも行動するのは京都から、という ”Think Globally, Act Locally” をかかげていましたが、どうでしたか?

 As the slogan of this conference, we have set “Think Globally, Act Locally”, because we want you to discuss from global viewpoints and take action from Kyoto, a local community. But were you always thinking about it?


 The future of this world depends on you, and there must be time when you become aware of problems and you have to solve it. Of course me too. In such a situation, we hope that the experience you had in this conference will help you a lot.


 And we also hope that this conference would be a opportunity to start understanding other Friendship-cities and having connections with people from Friendship-cities.


 Finally, we would like to thank Kyoto City and Kyoto City Board of Education again. We have asked you a lot of things which might have been difficult to accept. But you have always encouraged us with kind and sometimes harsh words. Thank you very much.

 しかし、二度目にはなりますが私たちは今やっとAction Planを実行しその成果を残すということのスタートラインに立ちました。友好都市の青少年が集い会議をした意味と成果が京都市や他の友好都市に目に見える形で残るよう、これからもよろしくお願いします。またこれからもこのような国際交流の場を作っていっていただければ幸いです。

 Now, we are going to carry out the action plans which we have made with everyone’s great efforts. Hopefully we will get fruitful results and make it possible for citizens and tourists in Kyoto to enjoy the benefit of them. We really hope Kyoto City will hold this kind of event again which will promote cultural interaction with people from overseas.


 Thank you for everyone, thank you.

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8/24 1・2年全員学習(夏課題テスト2年国語)  3年夏季補習
8/25 1・2年全員学習(夏課題テスト2年英語、1年国数英)  3年夏季補習
8/26 3年全統記述模試(希望者)
8/28 短縮授業(1・2・3・4限授業) 午後:文化祭準備
8/29 短縮授業(1・2・3・4限授業) 午後:文化祭準備
8/30 短縮授業(1・2・3・4限授業) 午後:文化祭準備
E-mail: horikawa@edu.city.kyoto.jp