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◆◆本校をよりよく知っていただくために【日吉ケ丘YouTubeチャンネル】で、学校説明会の録画や生徒が制作した学校紹介動画をぜひご覧ください!◆◆                                                  ◇◇令和4年度入学生(現3年次生)より、学年全員が「グローバルコミュニケーションコース」に!(令和3年度生までの「国際コミュニケーションコース」とは全く異なります。)英語が得意な人はもちろん、英語が苦手だけどじっくり学びたい人にも!!ぜひ説明会等で、新コースの特徴や生徒の声をお聞きください!!◇◇                                               ◆◆HP右下「リンク」より最新の『前年度・第2回学校説明会の動画(9/30(土)実施)』や『学校案内パンフ(2023年6月作成)』をご覧いただけます!◆◆

英語村小学生イベント「ENJOY ENGLISH 英語で楽しもう」(午前の部)

7月29日(月)英語村において小学生向けイベント「ENJOY ENGLISH」が開催されました。このイベントは、小学生に英語で行われる様々なゲームに参加してもらい、自然に英語を身に着けてもらおうという企画です。普段は日吉ヶ丘の生徒で賑わう英語村も、この日は参加した80名以上の小学生の熱気に包まれました。
「ENJOY ENGLISH」は、その名の通り、英語で話す楽しさを小学生に届け、大盛況のうちに幕を閉じることができました。イベントの終わりには、ALTとボランティアの生徒が手をつないで作ったアーチの中を、まだ興奮の冷めやらぬ小学生たちが駆け抜けていきました。

On July 29th, we had an event for elementary school kids, ‘Enjoy English’, in which the kids join various activities and naturally learn English throughout the event. HELLO Village is usually lively with high-school students at Hiyoshigaoka, but was filled up with the enthusiasm of the elementary school kids today!
As a small pre-event, there was a magic show performed by volunteers from Hiyoshigaoka. This surprise present nicely helped the kids release mental tension and get relaxed! The event was then kicked off by the speech of Kris (the mayor of HELLO village) and the introductions of ALTs. As an ice breaking activity, Max (an international student at Hiyoshigaoka) gave them the task of making alphabets such as W and Q by their bodies. They naturally co-worked with other kids and literally made the body expressions of some English words!
At this point, they were ready enough in terms of both body and mind for the four main English activities: Collection Game (making foods by collecting ingredient-cards), Quiz Game (Answering high-rankers in various genres), Sugoroku (Asking favorites of others through Sugoroku), and Mystery Box (Touching something in the box only by hands and guessing what it is). Each group had 3 or 4 ALTs, junior- and high-school student volunteers, and about 10 elementary school kids, whose parents, with a shadow of anxiety, looked at their kids.
Once the activities started, HELLO Village was filled up with gales of laughter, shouts of joy, and a round of applause. While some kids were a bit shy at first, as the games heated up, they immersed themselves in it even without being aware of their speaking English! Also, as the event proceeded, the group members helped each other and showed the teamwork, leading to real conversations in English.
The time to say good-bye is always a bit sad. At the end of the event, ALTs and the student-volunteers held their hands for making small arches, and the school kids walked under the arches, saying good-bye.
We are really glad you enjoyed the event as the name ‘Enjoy English’ says!

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E-mail: hiyoshi@edu.city.kyoto.jp